Månadsarkiv: mars 2014


Friday 28 th of February

Today we had a chocolate party in school. We had been learning about chocolate. We had done different kinds of chocolate. Me and Isabella did chocolate truffle. All the parents were invited to the party. We did chocolate milkshake, and different kinds of chocolate. We played a game we had made by our selves and we went to the river. All the children swam in the temple pool.  It was very fun and Rosie (the dog) jumped into the water temple pool with us.                                                                                             In the afternoon we were practicing the drama play in Coco Yellow (the drama school). In the evening Aiysah had a sleep over in my house.

Saturday 1 st of Mars

Me and Aysha swan in the pool in the morning. Later we had a drama show for all the parents. They came to see the drama. It was a balinese story called Raja Pahla. After the show me and my mum went swimming.

Sunday 2 nd of Mars

Today me and my mum took the scooter and went the beach. It was a surf beach with big waves. We swam in the pool close to the beach because the waves where to big. We had lunch there. It was fun.

Tuesday 4 th of Mars

Today after school me and my mum took the scooter and went to Sidemen (the moutains) to Wiras village to see the dogs. The dogs are called Benji and Kaoka. They are the dogs that I took care of last year. Now Wira is taking care of them. It was fun to see them but they had been fightning again. Kaoka started this time.

Wednesday 5 th of Mars

Today was my last day in school. My mum made a fruitsalad with ice cream for all the children and miss Renee had baked bownies. We had a farwell party. All the children had made nice things and letters to me. I will miss them and also my fantastic teacher miss Renee. Bye bye Bali. I will miss you. See you next time!

Farwell party

Farwell party

Last day in school doing maths

Last day in school doing maths





The beach and the sea

The beach and the sea

Nice letter

Nice letter


Benji and me

Benji and me

Tasting chocolate

Tasting chocolate

Swimming in temple pool

Swimming in temple pool

Rosie the dog

Rosie the dog

We made games

We made games

The drama play-here I play a tree

The drama play-here I play a tree

Drama uppvisning

Drama show

Drama uppvisning

Drama show


Monday 17 th of February: 

Today was Maja not in school because she had a headache, so she stayed home. When she felt better, we built with Lego. It was fun but after a while it became quite boring to build with Lego. When we had finished building with lego, we jumped in the pool. The water was very hot. When Ruben came home from school we jumped in the pool again. We ate meatballs and macaroni for dinner. After dinner we washed Hercules (their dog). And after dinner we jumped in the pool.  Zzzz

Tuesday 18 th of February:

In the morning I did math and wrote the blog.  When I had finished with the math and the blog, I swam in the pool. When Maja and Ruben came home from school we built with Lego then we jumped in the pool. The water was very hot. We ate chicken wraps for dinner. After dinner we all danced. That was fun.

Friday 21 st of February:

Today I went with Maja and Ruben to school. In Australia every student has a school uniform so I had to borrow one of Majas. It was a big school and in Majas class were 30 students. It was fun to go to the library and after eating lunch we had to play tennis.

Saturday 22 nd of February:

I had so much pain in my ears so we had to go to the hospital. At the hospital they gave me medicine since I have not been feeling so good. I have pain because I have been swimming so much. After we went climbing at the Circus. But I had pain in my ears so it was not so fun. Later I cycled together with Maja and Lilly to town. We went into shops and looked at clothes and things. We ate ice cream and Maja bought a coconut. She drank the water from the coconut. When we came home Lily went back to town and bought me and Maja and herself a necklace. It was a bird and very beautiful.

Sunday 23 rd of February: 

Today everyone went to the beach (but not Hercules because dogs were not allowed on that beach). Me and Ruben went climbing on an old tree that had floated on to the shore while the others were fishing. After that we went home and jumped into the pool. I was not allowed to have my ears under the water. That was very difficult. In the evening we went to a restaurant that is called The Rails. We had hamburgers and listened to live music. They played country music.

Monday 24 th of February: 

Today was my last day in Byron Bay. Grandma packed the bags. Me and Maja and Ruben played and played Minecraft together. We jumped in the pool for the last time. I had to wear a swim cap for my ears.The last night we slept all three in the same room (in Rubens room). Tomorrow we are leaving five in the morning. Good bye Byron Bay. See you next time.

Playing the guitar with a swim cap on

Playing the guitar with a swim cap on



Playing on the beach

Playing on the beach





Maja and me going to schoolMaja and me going to school